The Autumn and Nature

My village is an important place in my life. most of the time I don't forget it the maximum time I stay there a little pond. there get small fishes which I like very much.
now I stay in the city but I remember
especially this season I lost my father

It's so much pathetic for me
I try to best but I don't forget it.
I feel he was my best friend.
I lost a real friend forever,

Now we face pandemic time covid19 the life of the people in Dhaka city is very different at the time.  We are in the house all the time.

We got more

The autumn comes to me like a real lover. the muddy way was watery during the rainy season and we do not move easily in the village in this season some parts of the areas are dry. so, this is a pleasure for me. 

The sky is blue and has some clouds which give me more pleasure. the rainy season is our prison season although it is a very romantic watery muddy space that is not suitable to walk. All the time we expect to get a good position on the road.

Besides them some dry part of the field to prepare for the new plant for everyday life. vegetables and flower plants give us to the news that the dry season is coming fully we are relieved from the season of rainy.

Our village is the little low part of the district for the reason we could not communicate with each other easily, we face different problems there. Actually, boat and Donga are the main vehicles in the village. Through them, we rise to the main road made with pitch or herringbone those are a pleasure for us.

there has much large space for growing paddy. In the season the grown the harvest maturity. we get the pleasure to see grown cauliflowers the farmers in little high land in the winter season. they are busy all the days round with their wives. There we find the pleasure to get work opportunities for the farmers. they feel happy to get the work also they get date juice from the date tree. it is the more additional getting some for us.

all are our friends here we make our life with a friendly environment for the reason we get more opportunities from the village and family. we get more from the natural environment like our village family. 

Board repair

During the autumn the boatman repairs their boat to move different spaces for their activities. When we were passing the road we saw their business ti fair making, pitch melting, Alkatra mixed with it to make their boat to try recovery.

Some of the children saw the condition of the boatman. They did their own work. In little distance there has a little river in the dry season the river is closed but the boatmen mend their boats for the big rivers? 

About 3 km after there has another big river. Actually, besides the river shore has a big Bazar.  The boatmen are tried to give good service to the local businessmen who are staying Gonj for their little business.

Now the importance of the Had or Bazar is lost totally. The products buying something the nearest shop is been by the customers. They are not waiting for a long time for today’s Had’ because they are busy now.  

by the way, people of the village have lost to grow agricultural products sell and buy systems forgotten. How the business in the village now? Questions are more but the inquiry physical is difficult.

Change in life

people feels their lifestyle is changing day by day. They try the best to stay with their traditional activities but it is difficult for them. the space of the work is a change for the reason they can not adapt to the environment.

talking with them, “they said their traditional style and business is very slow but there has fine happiness. In the present time, people want to get the town opportunities in the village for the reason they bring change in kitchen wood burning cook turn gas cylinders. wood made house turn to Paka hose. Even in the village people live in a rented house for freedom.

How to look at the village market in Autumn: I feel and remember that In this season the Hindus people come to the village market to buy the doll of Lakhi Protime for pray. At night we heard the sound of Atos Baji in my locality. In my early life, I had a curiosity about their cultural activities. Some of my friends give me sweetly on the day. They like them very much. 


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