I Did Not Know That I was An Intelligent One Who Could Perfect work

At present, I feel love has all the time. There has no time that loves comes in the age. It stays all year round. I am here for 47 years now, some girls come to give gifts and massage in the communication space which makes me hesitant. So, I think love has no time to way on a walk. 

I hear some sweet sound here and there so, I thought time change so fast here. here girls are changing mentality and follow the modern air. At the beginning of my life when I thought myself then the darkness remove now the new light makes me more promotional. 

Really I did not know that I was an intelligent one when I thought to write today. I remembered one day my teacher punished me to drive from school to another school. What was the reason? 

I find out today that my friends and classmates are not good and I would be a rootless boy, so, my respected teacher beat me to drive from this school to my locality school.

Today I have respected my cordial teacher who beat me at that time for my good life. In January I leave school to my nearest school and one dozen students come back to this school where I decided to study. Today I thought, "why?" 

One day my Headmaster send me as a teacher to class seven but then I was the student of class eight. I take Bangla 2nd paper I thought the students of class seven respected me very much. 

I saw how to grow the school campus with flowers, culture, manners, and personality gather in life. 

I was more influenced to see the writing on the wall 'An ideal school'. then I found out more something to see the writing. I respected the writing very much and I kept it in my heat of core. Then a morning was my dream. 

the middle of the day was my pleasure. walking through the paddy field was my poem. the soft muddy way of the paddy field was my life story and press then I stay more and more time there to see and touch them with my heart. 

I promised them I would come back more and more time to you and walk through beside you with great pleasure. If I know I stay to the date tree to people prepare for the juice in late Autumn. 

If I know I make the great picture in my heart and memories to see forever the pile of paddy bundles. If I know I shall make great writing for today and I read, read and read for better writing in the future.

 Those days are full of great poems and prose. But I thanked myself that I do not forget them today. In the way, I think that I am a wise man. I believe that My future will be so nice because my past was full of eventful. 

I remember my childhood where I play with my dream through the dry leaves the passerby walks some to make a new way because the two seasons are sinking the field with water. Now, dry season comes and the people again to make the shortcut way through the crops fields. This way is my pleasure, how beautiful the way is! 

Now I can feel the same way, this is my fresh memory, really I am proud to take me through. But the village activities and ways, people, those my schools, the rivers the long tree all are changed now. but childhood pictures are not lost at all. 

I am happy today, I was happy those days. All the times are given me more pleasure but my particular time and my student life were my dreams and relation period how golden time those are! I thought most of the time. 


Catching birds: Poush Month Haroin Din was the catching birds day especially Dahuk ( white-breasted waterhen) although it is crime in society. But in my early life in the village, we do not understand it's a bad site. 

Fishing: People come together to catch fish and divided them finishing the work. This system was very interesting for all types of people in our society. People live there with friends and mix with each other so cordially. 

There are two days Hat in the village we called it the village market. In the market, they meet with their friends and relative. Then shopkeepers are temporary in the market. 

They come to different places in the locality by boat or Rikshaw Van. To sell or buy daily necessary things. We can get there different types of things from the market. 

Our area is growing vegetables so, most of the farmers to sell them in the market. Friday and Monday were the Hat day. These two days different types of people go there and did their activities. 

But today the situation is change day by day people buy their necessary things from the nearest shops, they do not go to the market at all. Actually, I do not go to the village market for so long time. I don't what is the condition of the market. I stay so far from my village.  

When we move never purposely: 

Our destination is not known by us. we move all day long. After that I rise an old long hall room there have no people at all. Sometimes there comes some animal for walking. Who made them? Why made them such type of large things? 

We thought but unnecessary. We are moving to a better life. The passing time was the best and I can write now. There is some relative there who know me, they take to be their home but I had no time. 

Upazila town: I went to my Upazial town and my maternal Upazila town because those towns are my favorite place. I feel that the town has a good environment and a planate life lead. I feel proud to see that. 

There has a cinema hall a few times I went to see the films basically I went to my maternal uncle's Upazila town. This place is easy to go by bus. but my own update has a big river to go by ferry boat. 

So, my maternal uncle's house near the town. some of them I met in the town and talk to them. Most of the time they took me to their house. They are so friendly and relative. 

Guava gardens: Besides my uncle's house the area is full of Guava gardens. Hat Gor, Kuriana, Khuddurkathi are the main part of the gardens. In the gardens, people are very hostile they feel the bright somethings if you through the gardens you get some Guava for eating those are a presentation for you. They are totally unknown but they give you a friendly mentality. 

When you move through the narrow road, you will feel that the place is remote from the rest of the world. Such the way you get a strong culture in the area. Such a type of classical culture makes you more attractive. 

The great culture: Mos of the time I question myself why do  I like those places? what is the reason to love these places? I feel an individual way that the culture is a different area, the area is not so long but the culture is different. 

The full of culture makes you more attractive. how variation the culture in the places. So, cultural people like those very much it is reality. Here you get a lesson to find the cultural sides. 

Beside the River: I walk beside the river most of the time. Our village has a little river which is full of water in the rainy season. There have two groups who meet with the kits game. On both sides of the river, there have a lot of people who tome to see the game. 

There has the present the winner of the game. Then I was a little boy. I saw those activities but I can not join them. I had no ability then but I share with them enjoy. I went there with my cousin most of the time I went alone. 

Actually, I like to move the place to place to see the beauty of nature and the culture and man, woman and girl everything. Those were my best. I thought that I had no think about my future or income source. 

I thought pleasure is the best life. for this reason, I move here and there in the time my classmate thought the life and future plans. 

My school life: I thought that this time is a pleasure for me the time I complete my high school life. I should join the higher secondary college I came to the capital city of the coun; try. There had most of the friend's circle. I spent the time most pleasure. by the way, I would complete my higher secondary and university education to stay with pleasure. 

A nice matter I tried to find out the greatest pleasure. Some of the friends think I have no pleasure I felt more and more frustrated. Actually, I thought that I do not the pleasure of work and the thought of able to work. a man remains a pleasure who has not pleasure work. I could do the more time work that you call the hard work but the work will be a pleasure for me. 

Now I think writing is the best pleasure for me. most of the time I think I do something for the many earning but this work gets not grew more pleasure for the reason I will be a date man again. 

What is literature: It is better which I can write better. I think literature is something which I think in the way of our life. And we can write to them in our copy it will be literature in the next time. In the period of covid -19n most of the people come back to the village and do their work in the village when they come back again I thought in the way of my life. I think they are the part and parcel of our daily life. 

Which things I want to share with you are the culture are the using things which you use in your daily life. You can write the event which you collect for the different places by the way of your life and face different t problems or pleasure you can write them then those are the nice culture which things someone can read and write and use them in their work those are the rich culture. 

I can not write anything in our daily life because we think most t of the time but we can not write at all. I thought in the time the way of my village road and the besides of the road of another village. those are not the same which I saw in the time my primary level. but I think that the culture is the same way change in mind reflection as like the road. so we should every time we should write more and more for future life. and the future generation. 

They can get more and more rich culture from us. after that we can fill the proud needs of our life. I thought I will be a rich man one day. then I have no tension about the money. Now I think I have to need more and more knowledge. 

Which gives me more something that anyone can not snatch from me. I want to write about information technology, e-commerce, the problem of the people, present all the important sites, in a single word I have a site where anyone gets more and more something which he/.she wants in the way of their life. 

my multiple sites are full of pleasure anyone can enter the site and do not out from here. Their ahs various is so written which are attractive and pleasant for the people in the present world.  

I want to give the reader the classical different business site where has no literature in our daily activities, sadness, smile, story, love but I want to mix the business profile with those by the way people read and feel better something in places. For example, your office has your wife you no another tension, your office has your living room you have no problem. Your business center has your children playing room you have no additional tension. So, I want to write something and do something plane something where people's life lead in normal what he wants. 

office means is not formal dress, coat suit, pleasure, formal table chair, etc. those time is not in the wold here people do their work 24 hours so he has no office time particularly. all the time is his/her office time so, there are needs, wife, children, and relative. They do work altogether and get pleasure. for this reason, they need to gain skills in the same way and they can help each other. 

How to make your office room: Your office room will be at your house. and you do they work in your pleasure time. The information and technology time is full of knowledge there has no particular time to do the work here you should do your work most of the time. this is your office plane. your work plane, your business plane in a short speech your all work will be changed in time. 

How to makes your business field: your business field in the simple place and silent place there has no customer y9ou delivery and parcels all type of work with the internet. I write those in other content. you make your business center in a remote area, there has better communication for the reason you need not stay in the city to spend more money. your business center will be a remote place and some system you have here to send your products to the customers by the mail, or transport system. 

now you can maintain your business to take in different things, food, clothes, shelter, education, medical facial, entertainment. 

Now one of the best businesses on knowledge, knowledge business is one of the best businesses in the world. everywhere you can maintain your knowledge business. Now you should start your business with great pleasure. 

Everywhere you can use your general knowledge. everywhere you should maintain your business with technology, always you should try to add your technology within your work. those are good for you and your clients. 

Starting a cold day: This time is very pleasant for the village people. the lower part of the village is turned to dry. People move here and there to communicate with each other. Collect fish in a different type of water space. The people of the area grow crops and vegetables at this time. people make programs like Nobanno' it is very special for the village people. 

Some people grow some special vegetables and take them to the farthest market from their house to get more money. Actually, they carry them on their head or soldiers. This is very hard work but they feel pleasure to get enough money. 


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