Farmer: Farmers are the nation-builders they live in the village. They produce food for the nation. They are always busy doing work for the whole nation. In rough weather, they sit beside the window and remember the creator who saves them and their family. 

Their family is anxious about the situation. In past, the farmers fully depended on nature. So, most of the years their crops are spoiled by the natural climate. Actually, depending on the whole year by the harvest to grow in their field. 

The inspected situation leads to anxiety and horror movement. How to remove the situation? Who comes to forward to save them? What system they follow in the way of their life? There are a lot of questions in the mind of the farmers. 

They make dreams to sell the harvest to study their children at the local school. They expect to get the right price to sell the crops. they expect to get modern facilities to stay life lead, instrument, IT, etc. But most of the time they are deprived of such types of basic things. 

Nation-builders: we know that the farmers are the nation builders so, we should think about the well-being in their life. If they can lead their life very pleasure and economy well then they will come to give good crops which we utilize in our different ways. 

Plan life: The farmer's life is very simple, they live in the village. They take very simple food. Sometimes their food is not appropriate to save their health. After that their life lead is not fine; in the way, they need a planned life which gives them happy to do the work. 

Modern machine: The farmers need modern machines after that they can produce more food for us. If they use a modern machine in the fields they can more time to do other work. Also, they can relax the time to visit different places. 

Information Technology: If the farmers know about information technology, they will do their work properly because farming depends on climate. Everyday weather is favorable or disfavors the crops so, they need to know the new information technology. If we want to get a good harvest we need to provide IT systems to the farmer works. 

The life of a farmer

Some people put hard labor to grow crops and maintain the nation's food problem we called them farmers. The daily life of a farmer is so tided program. 

The maximum number of people in our country depends on agriculture. The farmer lives in the village. The workplace of a farmer is the farmlands. This place is of his own. Bangladesh is a tropical country. Green frost is every whereof this country. 

For this reason, three times is prepared to grow crops of those fields. These times are summer, winter, and rainy seasons. Different crops are grown in these times. 

The farmer does his work timely. In the monsoon of the sowing seeds are very busy. That time families members are helped him in many ways. Also, he takes labor for his work. 

All types of farming activities are costly in their way of life. But the farmer does not get enough money from his crops selling. Life is turning difficult day by day. 

Sometimes his crops are destroyed by different disasters such as floods, rainlessness, cyclones, and river erosion, etc. sometimes he does not grow crops because of costly seeds. From time to time heavy rain spoils his crops. 

At that time his family is anxious about nature. His family feels in a sad life. They think that their life will be difficult in the next year. Some time he discusses his work about his activities in the way of life. He tries to do the work in hard and soul to better days. 

Sometimes he takes a loan from the agriculture bank. Such a situation is so difficult to lead a good life. after that his children's education is most important as like other basic needs health, clothes, shelter, entertainment, etc. 

All branches of spend are so difficult for a farmer's life. Our country is poor. Here 80% of people live in the village. Most of them are farmers. 
Also, we are dependent on agriculture. This agricultural country’s maximum farmers are poor. So, all types of people are spreading helping hand to their improving life. Then we get a good nation in the future.

Q: How do the farmers lead their life?
Q: Where the Farmer live in?
Q: Who helps with their activities?
Q: When do they work in the field?
Q: Which types of work they do in their fields?
Q: How They farmers grow crops?
Q: What type of works do they in their fields?
Q: Why do they work in the fields?


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