Saiful's Grammar

 Saiful's teaching systems:

(New) distance learning

Saiful's teaching systems are two categories one is online and another face to face. Now the students of Saiful’s are attended on an online platform. ZOOM is the best for the students and the teachers like to teach them on it.

students think there has a lot of information on online platforms but face-to-face education systems make them do not give them such types of opportunities. to build the education properly in the future the alternative system will be more effective!

Blog: Saifuls have a blog site where are written different types of writing some writing on business, story news, resorts, and different types of writing which are made instruction to the students. We linked the students and they feel pleasure to read the sites.

Computer: The teacher uses the computer to teach the students online. sending notes, caption, pictures all types of things which are related to education the teacher cent the students throw the computer.

Laptop: internet connection laptop helps the students to grow a better way almost all the time the students can communicate with the teachers about their opinion. By the way, the students can get beside the teacher every moment.

Mobile: Mobile uses all the best works. Mainly taking the class the teachers use the devices with a nice stand. There has a whiteboard to display and demonstrate the students properly. All activities they can enjoy with great enthusiasm. Although the live class is connected with the internet, there has no opportunity to have an absent mind.

Printer: The printer is another output device that provides hand notes to the students, some of the students prefer this note on their reading table. We think that and provide them the systems with respectfully. The studies collect those notes for future leanings.

Scanner: Some important topics are provided to the students with making scanning. For this reason, we have a nice scanning machine. Books paces, Questions, Notes pictures, writing all are needed to the students we think so given to the students. in the material make them learners and minded future careers.  

Books: There has a lot of books in my institute the students can come here and read more and more time in the place. Also, they can brow the book from there. it helps the students to make lessons properly.  

Hand note: the devices are used to make hand notes for the students and make more copies by the printer and provide the students. now the students get the standard education in the field where they get a lot of educational facilities. in the same way, they make them like educators.

Face book: we use Facebook to distance learning. in time is very essential to distance learning instruments. most of the students are referred to this system also we provide them the good services with Facebook, Twitter, Viber, WhatsApp.

Twitter: For short communication we use Twitter. and provide them some link of videos, websites, blog sites, youtube, etc. in that the students make their lesson and exam preparation properly.

Conclusion: to create a better basement of education for students these types of systems are very essential in the present world. in the period is distance learning and most of the guardians are conscious about education. they want their children can get a standard education and have a teacher at a home like the ancient period. Login teacher, paying gusts, such type of system which is provided through these devices. The era is full of innovative work and the students should be prepared to connect to them. those are part of the education. by the way, education is made them proper challenging to be the next. 

Work and Service:

The work is for service; this is the main theme in our institute. for this reason, we work for people's development lifestyle. Language is one of the elements of people's life. So, we try to give them good service in our way of a life dream. The beginning of the life Saiful Grammar; it works for students different subject and solved their problem. 

Now it tries to do on teaching complete work of English Language and Literature. What is the reason to teach English? We want to feel there have some problems with the learners. They like to learn English but they have no easy way. We try to find out how to give the students an easy process? 

We have the ability to give them a standard way but simple. In a long way, we teach them a good service. We feel better and the students are the same mentality. 


SPOKEN: We have provided 25 sheets for the students and taking a lot of classes on the way states get better performance in the spoken area. There have more questions provided in which the students can speak fluently English. Actually, we offer the students can talk in brevity. For this reason, we need to make a lot of questions which they want to get the next time. 

That means after learning Spoken the students what type of work want to do. On the base, we make questions and pick up the answers from the students. In related topic help the students to do the next job. To grow the confidence level we do the work for the students. 

When the students have got a good standard result in the field of spoken they can able to find ou the next work should be done. 

In Spoken Question Answer Systems

Question answer systems make the students more active for the reason we arrange the system. Here most students in learning online so at home the students can learn more things about different topics.

Before the day of class, we provide them topics on which topic will be discussed in the class. The students can get time to prepare for the topic. In the online ZOOM class, they answer the teachers’ questions. In the way of the class, the students make questions to the teachers.

In the way the students get better performance to study such the way. How to make a question? What is the topic? When does the teacher provide the topic? What type of question to ask the student? These types of questions make you mine.

Suppose you think the topic name “River”

Q: What is river?

A: The vast of water space throwing a large space from the hill to the sea is called the river.

Q: Do you make the swim in the river?

A: Yes, I make to swim in the river. It is really a pleasure for me. 

Q: Who helps to bring the riverside?

A: My father helps me to bring it to the riverside, it is 3 KM from my house. 

Q: Which things do you look at at the riverside?

A: There are a lot of things I can see beside the river site such as paddy field, farmers, playing children, etc. those are very fine to watch. I like them very much. 

Q: When do you visit the riverside?

A: On September 20, 2020, I went to the riverside. 

Topic offer to the students for the next class. 

In the way when we finish the parts of the question we meet the nest topic.

The topic on "Your Beautiful Country" 

Q: What is your country's name?

A: Our country's name is Bangladesh. 

Q: Where the country is situated?

A: It is situated in South Asia. 

Q: Which are the tourist spots in your country?

A: Our country has a lot of tourist spots the Coxs Bazar sea beach, Shundorbon, Sylhet Madobkundo, Paharpur Budduth temple, Moynamodi, Sonargon, etc. 

Q: When did your country independent?

A: On 16 December in 1971 our country was independent. 

Q: Do you know about the mother language day of your country?

A: Yes, I know about the mother language day of our country. 

Q: Where the central Sohiod Minar is situated?

A: Besides the Dhaka Medical College Hospital the central Shahid Minar is situated. 

Q: When do you visit there?

A: Last 21 February we went there to respect the matters for the language in our country. 

Q: Who are present with you?

A: My family and friends are present to me. 

Q: Why do you visite countryside?

A: I visit the countryside for my pleasure. 

Q: How do your village look like?

A: My village looks like my mother, I do not forget any moment. 


Students get standard learning which grows them properly in the future. Most of the students do not know to develop their education our teacher staff finds the students' potentiality and treat them as adult students. 

To get respect from the teachers the students will be a creator. In any field, they can move and do better there. 

Actually, we teach here the English language and literature. Basically, we impress with English grammar as a result the students can make their presentations and other activities easily. A little boy can write a good composition.  


Content writing:

Content writing is the most important in the world. If you think about the contents, you will feel that everywhere it is needed in the present time. even a bottle level the content needs like oil, sugarcane pack, rice, potato, machinery, parliament to a small shop we use the content everywhere.

Now a day is full of business, where people work with websites and internet-based, so you understand that those websites are worthless without contents. We should make the content with good qualities. if you can make the contents with good qualities, we can provide a good site for our well being.

most of the time the writers think about how to make good writing in the way of their website for the reason they find the easy way and direction. We recommend to them that they should follow the writing systems which we provide in the writing about the contents. If they follow the system they can make a good command of the content writings.

Normally a writer should follow some system which can help to make good writing for them a client. Suppose you should do some work introduction, some description, facts, FAQ, conclusion. okay, follow the instruction and make your writing the best. 

Contents idea: 

Content writing the best way SEO management 

Content writing jobs coverage social network

Content writing sample 

Content writing tips analysis wave developer

Content writing meaning make development beginner level 

Content writing tutorial achievement all social media coverage. 

Content writing courses successful confidence growth 

Content writing topics selection tips unique performance 

Content writing job online marketing created its own field 


Q: What is Saiful's Grammar?

A: Saiful's Grammar is English coaching.

Q: Where is it situated?

A: It is situated in Dhaka at Kallyanpur.

Q: Where do you join the class?

Q: Who can join there?

Q: How is the institute's teaching method?

Q: Why do you know about the institute?

Q: Whom does the institute guide?

Online class:

Many students want to stay at home and want to study there. For this reason, we give them an online service. At a particular time, the students present the Zoom class we provide them this service. Google's meeting is chosen by someone. Besides them, there have some systems Whatsapp, Facebook, Viver, etc we have given the tutorial service.   

Degree Students:

Some degree students come to our institute for learning Grammar. They have a basic problem with the English language. they can discuss with us friendly and do that's a pleasure. Come out of their opinion and solve their problem from use. Their necessary topics are W/H questions, Articles, Sentences, Re-arrange, Changing, Translation, etc. 

Also, they share with us some topic is hard for them such as the main idea, supporting the idea. summary, correct the following sentence, poster, memo, paragraph writing, formal letter, informal letter, essay wring, the right form of verbs, antonym, the main idea supporting the idea, fill in the blank, etc. 

The question of the Degree placed below

Free class on Friday: Students get smart and slandered education on Friday free. They can physically attend coaching or taking an online call. Before attending the classing the students should inform the Saiful’s grammar and get the ZOOM ID and Password. After that, the students entered the classroom and join the class with respectful teachers.  

Saiful's Grammar Class 3-8

Saiful’s Grammar Class 3-8 this period of time is very important for the students. It is called basic building time. During this period the students can get the knowledge to make their basic standard. Also, the teacher can make with the artisan of mind. 

This time students get little to build in deep mind to learn these grammar lessons. For this reason, we give them a lot of classes for the students of class 3 -8. The guardian of the students thinks about the necessity of learning topics and take the steps to learn their children in the way. 

We find out some problems that after the degree complete some students come to learn English in our institute and they learn basic standards. why do they learn those? what is their problem? In the primitive stape, they did not learn properly.

Different types of job, spoken, written, reading more learning course they learn from the different types of the institute. we say to the students you should proper use of time and select the institute which provides you the best quality teaching. 




MOBILE AND LIFESTYLE: You make your world with your devices. 

To do a long time Work I know a good speech that is "Do something for mankind".  So, I have opened a function for free classes for the students who want to join us. I get them the opportunities for better work in the field. 

I ensure them that they can learn many things from us suppose writing. I take the class on content writing. Anyone join us and make their life with a good writer.  This era is full of themes so, we should know how to explain ourselves in good ways. 

It is writing so, you need the right way to write. In the way, we help you as an institutionally. Our professional work makes you perfect. So, join us and do your better work. 


Your Lovely Content

HSC Report writing on Road accident.

Write a dialogue between two friends about their hobbies
