What is love stay in your left pocket

Love has encircled an area to create strong and positive emotion and mental speech. An untellable speech plays in mind which explanation by expression.

it is one kind of glorious virtual most personal feeling with happiness and pleasure. But the meaning of love is the difference from person to person supposes mother love and spouse love is not the same.

 We can make question on the love of food and other things. Actually, love refers you a strong feeling attraction and emotional attachment which makes a rapport with two natural minds.  

When do you feel in love?

To share mentality with anything of a special person. He/she is your lover and you discover in yourselves you are in love. Maybe you find or search in the language it this great technology but your mind technology says what type of device you need.

When you see that your love plays beside you and talk something vague then you understand love touches your body.

Why love turns difficult?

When you lose your strong feeling, you feel difficulty in any place. You’re lost your work spirituality, your smile, your broadness of mind because you make a hypocrisy work with your shadow. 

How love gives you pleasure. It can give you sympathy to do better work in the world. But do you lose your love forever? 

Different love
Love has variation characteristics it must depend on humans. It gives you a lot of pleasure sometimes it makes you difficult. People here say forever breakup is the better for love. Someone says using technology makes you light from love. 

When you light than love, love can not touch you at all. There make a gap between love and you. Sometimes love loses its intelligence when it depends on philosophy. 

10 signs of Love 

1. Love makes you feel addicted 
to love makes you a virtual mirror in your mind. you do not think in a single moment without it. all the time you feel your lover. in an opportunity to meet with her/him you move there and meet and you feel sight seen hesitation. days passing you try to forget your lover and want to free a moment. 

itis impossible for you. your most important work loss day by day but you turn helpless person. Oh! love makes you greater, I can sacrifice my life for a human being. 

I forget the social wore. I avoided all types of work, only waiting a moment for your meeting.  I enter into addicted. yes, I feel that in the way of my life. 

Yes, this type of thing plays in your mind. you learn the greatest sacrifice in to addicted to less love from your lover. what a great sweet pain you think!
But those innocent minds where make a lot of questions but how to finish it forever. It is impossible for true lovers. the attraction makes you crazier forever. 

if here makes breakup Oh! very sad for all. the addicted attraction so high but destroy something there has no single love speech at all. 

But no the love play with the lover forever. 

2. Love makes you feel obsessed
The lovers addicted to each other as like enchantment. Then they want to get mixed closely in a silent place. Sometimes they find out any watery place, beside the bush or any old home. They mix with bodily relations. The teenage pair’s situation is very critical in this period. Their attraction to each other overcomes social bondage. 

This situation is created in the intermediate level. The start of the relationship and continued some time then the lovers do not stay to keep away a long time. Most of the time they want to get together. 

Most of the time the relative help to them mix in the secret place especially the village has a lot of bush and garden and there have isolation places. The pair's mix into a romantic situation. Also, they act they come here by cutting vegetable or side work. But their ambition is different. 

This type of mixing of each other is dangerous things maybe they know but controlling capacity is very difficult for them. At the beginning of the adolescence period they need education life and after work what they should do. At night, a secret place, old house place to mix each other are different charter which is not mass the social condition. but at the moment their activities are very interesting and important they feel that. 

Everywhere the pair of lovers mix with obsessed. When they walk in the village muddy road through the village, they think in mind to obsess. Sometimes they feel there have no people in the area. There are full of trees or garden twilight they spread their hand. 

In a fixed time, lovers do not control each other. They want to get a place where they can exchange each other’s freely bodies. But the environment is a very dark side of their lifestyle. Most of the time they face such type of situations and continue long time their activities. 

The situation makes them get the policy. If the truly place they can decide then what they should do in the situation. For the reason they need a dependable place after that they can maintain themselves. 

3. Love will make you experience recklessness

Yes, love makes you reckless. In the situation, you can take emotional decisions. What is the behalf of your love such type of decision is the best for you. There has not freely justice in your memory. To fly in the living space, we find out ourselves.

Forget totally who is beside you. In love has special strong evidence that drives a man to space. Also, the lover feels what experience he /she gather. The reckless experience makes a lover conscious one day.

Day by day the lovers are crazy in their activities. Research shows they pairs of loves take great risks in the way of their life. Our rain logical cell does not work well, drops all matters when we are in love.

We are wearing a rose glass to see all things like that. we forget all the ideal choices about anxious love. In love, we have no need defensive in the way we can enter into hell if the situation against love.

However, we face any odd situation we turn to recklessness. We should save our love fast than other things in the world.

Especially this situation realizes to face to face in lovers. We forget a total thing in back even in present through make bad something in here but don’t care. Our soul relations make us a great one.

We forget ourselves, a strong sacrifice makes our mind very fertile. For this reason, we can reckless anyone misunderstands our broadness. Some dangerous events, emotions, speech, and all over lifestyle are changed the day by day in love.

4. Love and lust can happen at the same time -and not necessarily for the same person.

Love is a good relation in a pair of lovers and lust means avarice of human being. Love is explained by a mind communication lust drive us bodies relation. Although both are the massage from the neural human brain, they are interrelated.

We don’t know when we entered into the actions. These actions character are different but coexist. by the way, we can know different facts in our surroundings.

Love and lust are clear that you like to lust after someone loves another person. It depends on mentality. 

We can get a clear idea it has high strongest, addictive power, the gape so much. But those staying in coexisting. In the case creates a problem in relationships as a result you love one in way lust another person.

However, you in love one and explain your mentality make a strong attachment with them and after them to influence with lust. Such the way we feel what is love and lust.

We get the idea what is love and lust here it dries the person in various ways. We observe the different situations in our everyday life. So, people thinking are different for the reason they get what they demand from their thinking.

Someone says love and lust are quarrels with each other’s but they have etiquette and manner. They are gentile in character. When they enter into the human mind, they give results in different.

Sometimes the lovers test each other. By the way, they can use some system for them. One of the lovers touches her lover silently. But her inamorata thinks it a positive and simple matter. He talks with her as friendly. Female understands the reality’—so, she continues her love forever. There has come a lot of difficulties.

Before in love, someone thinks about what type of relationship needs. What he wants from his lover after that join the way in decision making.

Love and lust are human brain demand something. Someone can get in his mind consciously or subconsciously. Mind satisfaction logics are different from man to man variation.

 Love and lust are bondage within swains. Only the pair of paramour thinks about the matters. and take decisions about what they should do during the relation time.

5. The eyes are bigger than the heart

The man and women behave are different when they are in love. Love is something that cannot hide from your character. The probate said that love and age do not hide at all it is published at daylight. 

When a man in love his optical bark is more active, he unconsciously minds explains his brain speech. All the people who can understand what is happening at the moment. In lover always want to get visual conformation in his life. 

At the same time, he makes his love turns a reality. He wants to give all the information love is the greatest thing in the world and I am in it. 
Man wants to show his love to the audience, someone silent in the case. It is differing man to man. 
Women are different in the way they want to bond someone. They believe love gets real when it gets a bond. 

We get a clear speech showing the greater here feeling does not matter. Show feel my eyes and mind speech feel by heart. 

In the way separateness, we face in love. Viewers feel easy so much for the reason it is said that “eyes are bigger than the heart." 

6. Love is a blur

In love, the human being thinks of flying in the sky like clouds. Their thinking is true. They think and activities more than a dream. 

Here we see that the thinking of the men and women are different. In love the men forget everything. The special day is remained by a woman and should offer some gifts on the day. At the same time, the woman can save her memory all the things. That means she is the doubles intelligent. It is the fact. One is promoted by a dream and another is move in reality. 

Love blur is true in female life. Because she counts every moment in her mind how the days pass through in love. most of the country’s social status blame women in any problem here we see the same thing. 

We know that blur means to mark or spot. Most of the sharing part of the woman but she want to see the smiling face of her lover. It is a true and real fact. 

When the love story is published all our community then we find out the scandal in the final justice to touch everyone. 

Most of the people of any community think that love and mixing each other are very nasty things. If they can, they will drive the lovers from society forever. it is the main problem of the lovers in the world. 

For this reason, people dislike the love affair at the moment. the beauty of love is not given light in some community in the time. So most of the time the loves want to avoid the eyes of the community. But love character is opened forever. It cannot keep secrets at all. It is one kind of blur light of the lovers. 

In a speech that is in love, they can prepare for a blur. Today or tomorrow it can come to meet with you. It makes you an alien what you do at the time. 

7. Eye contact is the gateway to the heart.

Eye contact is the main entranceway to your lover hart. When you gazed your lover eye both of you have lost some moment. Technically, your brain working hard to process the information and it receives from your eyes and you have lost in the eyes of another, in that time your brain does not know what to do in the situation.

Biological researchers predict that eye contract between lovers is an emotional explanation, not romantic motion. The eye communicates and makes the concentration of both lovers which gives the idea of real emotion.

 They know that the emotional feeling can be long-lasting we need to put hard work. Only reality and the workforce make us a long time alive in the field.

Communication is the main part of love. It creates a rapport both mind and gives direction on how to do in this situation.

Understanding mentality and reorganization is necessary for love. At the end of the lovers can raise the final decision. At the moment philanderer get a long time to stay in eye communication. But a short time gives someone teaching what is love and how should be love.  

7. Eye contact is the gateway to the heart. 

Eye contact is the main entranceway to your lover hart. When you gazed your lover eye both of you have lost some moment. Technically, your brain working hard to process the information and it receives from your eyes and you have lost in the eyes of another, in that time your brain does not know what to do in the situation. 

Biological researchers predict that eye contract between lovers is an emotional explanation, not romantic motion. The eye communicates and makes the concentration of both lovers which gives the idea of real emotion. 

They know that the emotional feeling can be long-lasting we need to put hard work. Only reality and the workforce make us a long time alive in the field.

Communication is the main part of love. It creates a rapport both mind and gives direction on how to do in this situation. 

Understanding mentality and reorganization is necessary for love. At the end of the lovers can raise the final decision. At the moment philanderer get a long time to stay in eye communication. But a short time gives someone teaching what is love and how should be love.   

8. Promiscuity and monogamy are influenced by the chemicals in your brain 

The lovers give each other promiscuity in a romantic situation especially bodies relation. In the time they believe themselves. In a weak moment, they get the most loving sequence. 

The different part of the world has monogamy families. They believe this type of family is very happy and the connectivity is very deep and the pair of lovers and dependable to think they have no alternative way. 

 The swains in deeply situation brain send chemicals message to others.  They pleased with their talking and eye communication. In the rain and old house, the swains talk together, they only know themselves forget the soundings. To pull in hart in lover silent of mouth leaps a slight move to get more and more how rain gives us a presentation. 

It is the lovable characters that getaway in mind. At the beginning of the world, love had today its appearance perfectly. So, we should not forget the character of love. It has extra beauty by this quality it moves around the world. 

Promiscuity of love is everywhere in the world. It is the precondition of love and relation. love has etiquette which is very developed in the own field. Monogamy mentality promotes the lover respecters in themselves. They get permanent security and believe. 

All lovers like to get a promise from her/his lovers. In perfect respecters make them more attractive they think they are not forgotten in any storm. 

9. Physical connectedness

Love has always a beauty. It is a sign of flowers for the reason the lover gift each other flowers. On the occasion, they give of the bouquets of followers. So, the lover turns to conjugal life when it gives a full environment. 

Although the love precondition of physical connectedness, most of the community of the world thinks after marry it should be turned. But most of them are engaged by it without thinking. it is simply chemistry of brain drive to them.

Teenagers are very addicted to it. And have not strong gaudiness and have not sexual education for the reason they engaged it. Actually, they are no own guardians. Also, they have enough religious education at all. For this reason, the community other people dislike those types of pairs.

Physical connectedness is part of love. But there has a period. If they engaged in the prepayment stage they fall in danger most of the case. After that, they meet in a secret place and they arrange their connectedness.

There have many reasons to enter physical connectedness. The lover wants to bond in her life. Another way the lover wants to safe from another person by her lovely. Someone has a personal interest in the matter. Sometimes lovers recover from depression from a difficult situation.

 if anyone feels risk in love and turns to another person then she takes a stapes to bondage by the way. Sometimes in deep love give them a situation they think impossible to take away each other’s so they engage in the matter. Most of the cases it is very attractive to lovers.

The curiosity of the new generation engages in physical relations. Most of the teenagers are engage in love, they think without love life is boring. Love can save their depression. There has a true speech people want to be happy. How to get it easily simply love but the physical connectedness drives them in the heel. Honey interesting makes life destroy. 

10. Love is blind. 
A proverb says love is blind. When we are in love we closed our work and engage with negative emotions. What is the main reason for it? Research says judgment or fear is the main reason. 

Generally, our brain uses different neuropathy way by processing positive and negative emotion. The prefrontal cortex mix with nucleus acumens creates for positive emoting. it is a scientific system. 

Another way amygdale mixes with a negative impression in our minds. Our brain is more powerful so it can do their work.In love period mind do not obey the rules and regulation of guardian. A strategy say that the girl is known by her parents in her youth life. 

In the time the lovers think love is the greatest something we don’t avoid it at any cost and they protest any type of bondage. They want to get a free situation. But excessive in love all the time being and it continues a long time. 

The addicted mentality is another reason for such type of behavior. We should follow the direction and education after that we can understand what reality says about love is. But emotion doesn’t become it. 


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