The Moon

Gave me much pleasure that night.
When you were seating beside me.
Oh! it's nice filling -
Again want to get its touch;

Hilly side you different now in riverside.
you are a fact of little children and a new couple.
With the cloud, you are very nice.
But that night was very simple for me.

Oh! moon give me touch of softness-
Now I am waiting for you.
Today you peeps that corner-
Like that day.
My softness with us but angry you?

Freshwater follows the side
The unknown flower gives a shadow of mind-
In the same way, blow the air dentally.
My flower today within me; you are the same.
My brighter touches me beside my side.

                               Saiful Islam.......

We know different types of stories on the moon. It is an astronomical body nearest us. it is orbiting Earth and is the planet’s only natural satellite. We shall many things about it which are pleasure information. 

The moon is the fifth largest satellite in the solar system and by far the largest among planetary satellites to the size of the planet that it orbits. 

If you want to know more you then view on maps:, distance to earth: 384,400 km, Gravity” 1.62 m/s squire, Radius: 1,737.1 km, Alternative names: Luna- Selene, Cynthia Surface area: 3.793x10 to the power 7 squire KM 


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