
Necessary of writing
Why do you write?
 In past people do not write well and they don’t know how to write. Greek people and roman people at fast try to write although they write in indicating pictures. Egypt people write their hand writing in different way.

However I say that your writing is most important thing for any civilization it is one kind of mirror of any nation really it is a progressive way to nation. We need increase facilities in language movement and need recharge center which make a nation properly. Language is most important thing in any nation. Here need educated people for fast growing. Now BNGLADESH offer package drama which is made culture for better way. Most of the actress are educated they do their work in mind. Such a way Bangladesh tries to best way to progress their nation in future they can improve. Language is one kind of sea which follow his won way, one can not stop in the way. The beauty- ness of language is great one.  

Writing made a civilization. To day, writing will be made next generation for the purpose we need write more. In the way of writing should not anxious any more. Next time you can write in well. But you remember that you should make question and give answer on it then you find a well writing.    


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