Love is a creation of your mind. It is havened your mind. You stay here most of the time for a better life. I think your writing stay here more and more time. I think your every moment is very valuable so you get back what you keep in here. So, call you your love for a long time to stay on the earth. Be happy with your love and relation. 

Come to me; 

In the green plant with you beautiful mind 

How much birds fly here and there--

The sandy land good arrange the dust of girls' feet. 

The sun makes them faddy of the appliance

The sandy girl come to me under the sunning 

But her lovely look brings me to the sea area. 

I see the sky--

There are more freedom birds fly and talk to each other

In the moonlit night, I see a lot of lovely hends 

Touch leps with rambling 

Where some children playing hind and seek. 

 Some love mix with thousand of lives 

To see the falling the light of the moon into water 

The narrow river is covered with a large tree. 

Light peep into the branches of the tree. 

Come to me;

At night alone to see the sky sleepless eyes

Some writing beside you

Only love makes you beautiful 

Your sweetness drives me to attraction

Where the river's water move covers the shore

Farmar join the work before sunrise

Now the sun peep forest less field--

A little sound hire to easy

Only plow and bull make pleasure sound 

Which gets in my mind. 


The dark all the side

I was hopeless where the light slight--

To get brightness all the year-round.

But my blood unknown to me

I am really helpless

My love will be buried in the grave 

My fear, I will lose my love 

Impossible I will stay with my love

I want the freshness in my eyes.

I want dark free my reading room

I want a life where love play with a smile. 

Who want to prison me--

With cover the dark

I will tear all net cover the whole night 

I back my dream at morn

Please make smooth the way--

Wipe dust, gloomy, fogy

Bring beauty, love, relation, new day, flowers

Other way turn to flash the heat of youth-- 

Conclusion: Writing will be for pleasure we want to read literature for pleasure. I think you want the same things. So, it is the perfect time to write with your mind. We make new ideas about writing which we think. The main discussion matter in the literature will be in education, fun, advice, perfect idea, clear speech. Now our system will be very simple which everyone can understand simply. Now you get here different ways to get your lovely lifestyle. 



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