

Netflix is an American technology and media services provider and production company. Media related work and providing good services they have got popularity. headquartered in the company in Los Gatos, California. 

It was founded in 1997 by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph in Scotts Valley, California. Netflix at first business is a subscription-based streaming service that offers online streaming of a library of films and television series. 

April 2020 it had over 193 million paid subscriptions worldwide, including 73 million in the USA. the astonishing news for the readers the company has offices widespread like, France, United States, United Kingdom, Brazil, the Netherlands, India, Japan, and South Korea. it is a member of the motion picture association. The company produces and distributes content from countries all over the world.

Netflix present situation

1.              1 million Netflix subscribers 2019

2.              61 million domestic Netflix subscriber vs 106.1 million internationally.

3.              85% of US streaming subscribes subscribe to Netflix

4.              159 million US Netflix viewers in 2019

5.              59% of US 16-34 year-olds say Netflix indispensable vs 35% of those aged 35+

6.              5 million UK households subscribe to Netflix in 2019

7.              An estimated 14.4 million Netflix users in Australia in December 2019

8.              US Netflix penetration 65%

9.              Netflix says average users watch for hours per day.

10.       UK 18-34 years olds watch 1 hour 4 minutes of Netflix per day.

11.       the office streamed for 52 million minutes in 2018.

12.       Bird Box most viewed original film in 2019

13.       Total Netflix 2019 revenue of $20.2 billion

14.       50% of Netflix revenue from UCAN

15.       2019 Netflix net revenue $1.9 billion

16.       Netflix market cap $ 163 billion in March 2020

17.       Netflix debt $ 12.4 billion in September 2019




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