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Life is full of pleasure it is known to all. If you feel bored at any moment, during those times you are dead. Enjoy every moment with love and respect yourselves. You find out what are you lovely thing. Which pleasure makes you more actives? Go ahead in this direction.

If you need all night walk on the street to comfort feel. I say you are free in the world so you enjoy yourself in your own way. Meet with you where you get married. All the time you should find out the way which is the make attractive.

Select your time for your better life lead. You make all the things and you should know that your work should be done by you. So, make preparation that you are ready to do your work all in your own hand.

You should plan with timing right way utilization. In the way you get the harmony to maintain your work properly.

Now you have made a question in your mind that why you be joyful live lead. what is the problem? answer the question “ only pleasure life can give you the good somethings which make you the great so, your time is limited in the way you should stay in pleasure in any situation.

You can arrange your party with your lovely friends and talk with them with a deep agreement, and then all are be benefited the good environment. I think your office or your any job area you should need a good team which does the wore with living in the institute.

Meet with always our well-wishers. They are not cheating with you and your problem they understand. avoid your bad thinking, forget the negative event to get a beautiful life. All they work make you a live man/woman who touches with you to find you are so friendly.

we always want to give you a guideline on how to make your life easy and beautiful. 


Q: What is life?

A: Life is a lot of pleasure.

Q: When one feels life is beautiful?

A: In loving period one feels life is very beautiful.

Q: Which things make life nice?

A: Love and beauty make life is very nice.

Q: Where do we find out life?

A: In lover, I find out life.

Q: Why do we get good life?

A: We want to get good life because life is beautiful.

Q: Who helps you to make a good lifestyle?

A: My lover helps me to make a good lifestyle.

Q: How do you feel a good life in the environment?

A: To enjoy every moment I feel good life in the environment.

Q: Whose life is the best?

A: A lover's life is the best in the world.

Q: Whom do you offer to make a good life?

A: My lover who wants to get to make a good life lead from me.  


Love is a very interesting topic at the present time. a little boy and girl feel the love in the way of their life. How fast the world is gone!

however, love is a different amazing matter. it is a very variation from man to man. but the true matter that it is classical beauty. we do not live without love. everywhere we feel love walking space.

without love, life turns to cruelty. the people do not feel a good dream without love. so, men expect love in all the ways of life. 

Emotional speech:
1. I am really affected by your field. I believe you so much, I believe that you do not chit with me. I stay with you forever in the world. 
2. I meet with a lot of people but you are different. Your affection makes me more active and fair. I don't think to separate my heart from you. 


Q: what is love?

A: Love is a mental satisfaction activity. 

Q: Who can make love?

A: Sacrifice minded people can make love. 

Q: Where is a lovely place?

A: Lover meeting place is a lovely place. 

Q: How do you save your lover?

A: To give the heart to save our lover. 

Q: How do you propose to your lover?

A: To share your mentality and willingness with your lover. 

Q: How do you engage a girl in love?

A: Very simple to take care of a girl and respect. 

Q: Who can help you in love?

A: Your lover helps you in love. 

Q: Whose love makes you great?

A: Real lover's love makes you great. 

Q: Who proposes to you in sex?

A: Fake lover proposes to me in sex. 

Q: Who wants sex from you not love?

A: A greedy lover wants sex to me not love. 



Q: What is beauty?

A: Beauty is the mental satisfaction system.

Q: When beauties come to us?

A: When we like beauty, it will come to us.

Q: Who can communicate with beauty?

A: A real lover can communicate with beauty.

Q: Where your beauties stay?

A: Our beauty stays in our lifestyle.

Q: Why beauties meet with us?

A: Beauties meet with us for our well being.

Q: What are the relationships between beauty and love?

A: Beauty and love mix with others like bosom friends.

Q: How beauties love us?

A: To arrange our life beautifully, it helps us to make love.

Q: Which is beauty?

A: Beauty is the affection of the mind.

Q: How beauties make relation with love?

A: To make brightness in mind it creates a relation with love.

Q: In which ways, beauty makes love for the young?

A: It makes stylish in the mind of the young and devotes to love.

Q: Why do we follow the way of beauty?

A: To get happiness we follow the way of beauty. 


Q: What is lifestyle?

A: Life is one kind of smart life lead. 

Q: When do you feel to need a good lifestyle?

A: Lovely environment you feel to need a good lifestyle. 

Q: Where do you see a stylish lifestyle?

A: In love, we see a stylish lifestyle. 

Q: What type of lifestyle do you lead?

A: We want to get a pleasureful lifestyle. 

Q: Why do you want a luxurious life?

A: Luxury life gives us a pleasureful life lead. 

Q: Do you find a beautiful life?

A: Yes, I want a beautiful life.

Q: Who gets the smart life lead?

A: In Love, people get a smart life. 

Q Where people make a beautiful space?

A: In a pleasureful situation, people can make a beautiful space. 

Q: How type of lifestyle do you want? 

A: A classical lifestyle we want to lead. 


Q: What is writing?

A: A good writing gives you a clear concept. 

Q: How do you promote your writing?

A: By reading and apply technical you can promote your writing. 

Q: When do you write good writing?

A: Make plane and start writing then it will be a good one. 

Q: Do you write content?

A: Yes, I write content.

Q: Can you write articles?

A: Yes, I can write articles. 

Q: Which type of writing you like the best?

A: I write something which is liked very much. 

Q: Where is the best place to write a good topic?

A: Your Living place is the best for you to write.

Q: How do you adapt to writing life?

A: Yes, I can adapt to the writing profession. 

Q: Which writing is the best for the reader?

A: Simple and easy writing is the best for the reader. 

Q: What types of writing do you want to write?

A: I want to write engaging writing for the readers. 

Q: Who can help you to write well writing?

A: Reading have helps you to write well writing. 

Q: Do you know the system of writing?

A: Yes, I want to give who agrees to the writing system. 

Q: When do you make good writing for the clients?

A: I am one kind asset so you make good writing for the clients. 

Q: Do you write for the economy?

Q: Who is the best writer?

Q: Where do we get the good writers?

Q: When do you be a good writer?

Q: How do you start your writing?

Q: When do you start your writing?

Q: Where do you write for the best?

Q: Who respects your content?

Q: How do you find out a good topic for writing?

Q: How do you get a simple headline for writing?

Q: How do you make your writing very interesting?

Q: Where a good write stay?

Q: How to look a good writer do you think?

Q: Which are the ambition of good writers?

Q: Do you think a good writer's activities are difficult?

Q: Whose writing is good at the present time?


Q: What is business?

Q: When do you make your business?

Q: Which business is profitable in the present time?

Q: How do you make a good business?

Q: Who can make the right business?

Q: Where do you make your business center?

Q: Why do you make individual businesses?

Q: Do you know about eCommerce?

Q: How do you work with B2B?

Q: How do you work with C2B?

Q: How do you work with B2C?

Q: How do you maintain your business with C2C?



Content writing:

Affiliate marketing:

Web design:

logo design:


Face book:








Report writing:


Q: What is YouTube?

Q: Who can do the work in the field?

Q: Who is the best YouTuber at the present time?

Q: How to upload the video?

Q: What is the system of making YouTube?

Q: Whos work is the best in the field of YouTube?











Make your life easy and beautiful:


I stay with you in a deep dark line

Touch you in romance  

 I shall make life with you in a small nest 


Your Lovely Content

HSC Report writing on Road accident.

Write a dialogue between two friends about their hobbies
