NAHAR EDUCATION LINE 2011 SAIFUL’S GRAMMAR e B †gjv evsjvi †gjv eB‡q eB‡q c~Y© evsjv GKv‡Wwgi PËi| Drme Avi Av‡g‡R c~Y© msw¯‹…wZi A½b dv¸‡bi cÖ_g nvIqvq AvaLvbv Pvu` i“cvjx cÖ‡j‡c K‡i‡Q †Zvgv‡K gy»v| nvRvi eQi c‡i n‡e Zzwg GK gReyZ ev½vwji HwZn¨v evsjvi GKvš— †gjv eB ‡gjv
Showing posts from November, 2011
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NAHAR EDUCATION LINE 2011 SAIFUL’S GRAMMAR Face book: Email: Blogspot: Rain Rain works at flowers shop. The owner of the shop is like to Rain. Most of the time he wants to help of Rain. One day Rain went to Shelhet for looking sight sing but there has no relative to support him. That means he was thought less. His works are not appropriate most of the time day by day he lost his confidence live in the city. Life is so hard for him. Now he is work less in the way of life. How to make her career he does not know. Rain want to get an honorable job if the capital city of Dhaka . But it is so difficult of him. Most of the time he follow one of the person ,he thinks that if he movement as like the man he will be a quality person. So he starts intimated other person.
Kabbo Khatha
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NAHAR EDUCATION LINE 2011 SAIFUL’S GRAMMAR Face book: Email: Blogspot: AvR GB w`b GB mKvj KZ PgrKvi My love get up and see the other side. My love is only for you. Our marriage has purred about five year to day. I feel great lone in you and me. All great person feel this love properly and gain something better. And become great one Socratic, shaksper, kaji nazrul Islam . So, today is 9 th festival days during period of Ramadan. At the daytime I do not staying with you. At mid night see you again bye. ivRv ejjÑAvR mKv‡j Avgvi Ggb e¨envi Avgv‡KAvi †m f~j Ki‡ebv| ‡ek wKQy w`b hver wb‡R‡`i gvbyl‡`i mv‡_ Lvivc e¨venvi K‡i AvmwQj ivRv|Zvi AvR ¯¿xi mv‡_ GiKg GKUz Avb›` K‡i wb‡R‡K m¤§vwbZ g‡b Ki‡Q| GKUz c‡iB QvZ&ª‡`i cov‡Z n‡e|e‡miKvwi BDwbfvwm©wUi wkþvw_©iv †gavi w`K †_‡K GKUz wcQ‡b| K¬v‡m wM‡qB ivR ejj, wkþv_x©iv AvR internet m¤ú‡...
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NAHAR EDUCATION LINE 2011 SAIFUL’S GRAMMAR Face book: Email: Blogspot: WHEN LOVE Love makes a good way of life Life wants to get soft touch. May be winter or spring- When he gets time--
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TODAY Saiful Islam My work is change Chang my think All a positive feeling come to me They are making from Allah A good thing A good memory A good culture A good education Education is precious Mattel Culture is its light. So press on it to build ourselves. 000 You want to mix with me Where nigh come to full of dream I only see your steps Which you tough to softly.
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NAHAR EDUCATION LINE 2011 SAIFUL’S GRAMMAR Face book: Email: Blogspot: Rain Many problems were felt by Rain. Mustafa wanted to help him. That time Rain took a part time job in a followers shop. At the evening time he joined the shop. The name of the garden is KOROBI. The provider of the shop was Mannan help him time to time. This way Rain passes the time. Then summer time Dhaka was ...
The picture
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NAHAR EDUCATION LINE 2011 SAIFUL’S GRAMMAR Face book: Email: Blogspot: The picture Saiful Islam This picture is thousand years ago; Someone puts hatred love: So romantic and valuable for liver- This picture; mixed with that culture Where some people discuss after dinner- This scene promotes me; Make theme at thousand years back View apply to me recent one. You are not old; Not be old forever. To day, I shall see The same activities at midnight You are not old picture at ll. You will be stay here more- More years On the street grass And misty mixed with it So, you are alive long time. To spread love and song To heart a real man You are not alone Thousand of passerby follows you You are not alone at all Oh! My mind picture
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NAHAR EDUCATION LINE 2011 SAIFUL’S GRAMMAR Face book: Email: Blogspot: Rain Some time Rain goes to many cultural centers. Such as Shalpo kola Acadimy,Mohila Shamity, Guide house etc. Arif is one of the friends but he does not move with him. Only he walks alone. Arif asked to Rain “why he goes many place without him?” Rain only laughs to hear his speech. Rain knows about himself that he...
Of loves & lives: What I Learned Today: Exploding Head Syndrome
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Shoishober Gan
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‰kk‡ei Mvb ‰kk‡ei m~h©Øq n‡q‡Q mKv‡j Ggb GK N›Uv ¯cœ hw` ‡`Lv w`Z cÖfv‡ZÑ KZBbv fvj nZ kn‡ii e¨¯—Rxe‡b P‡j †Mj A‡bK mgq ki‡Zi AvKv‡k AvR wj‡L‡Q A‡bK ˆkk‡ei Mvb ˆkk‡ei Mvb| ‡mw`b mvivw`b c~Rvq wKsev msLv j¸‡`i Avgš¿‡b, Dcw¯’wZ Ñ AvR Avgv‡K wew¯§Z K‡i ‡eŠ‡qi ‡mŠg¨ †Pnvivq iþbkxjZv †bB †bB wfb RvwZi cÖwZ weivM ‡Kb GB we¯§q? Avgv‡K mZ¨B wew¯§Z K‡i| kvLuv wmayi mÜvq ay‡ci NÖv‡b Avwg gy» wQjvg Avgvi Gjev‡g G ms¯‹…ZwZi †iLv wQj AvR ïayB Avw½bv‡qi Kw÷s g‡b nq evsjvi †cŠiwbK msw¯‹„Z g‡b nq| cÖwZgvq A‡bK .. †mŠ›`‡h© Avwg we‡fvi bB Zzjmx Zjvi NwUwU †`‡L †KŠZnjx bB| ïay g‡b c‡o wjwc, g„¤§q Avi mÜvi K_v Iiv wK GLbI evwl©K µxqv Abyôv‡b Mvb K‡i Av‡Mi gZÑ bvwK IivI wew¯§Z ev¯—‡ei Avw½bvq Avmeve wb‡q
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NAHAR EDUCATION LINE 2011 SAIFUL’S GRAMMAR Face book: Email: Blogspot: Rain Such the way Rain passes the time in the city. Day and night flow in dream when he walks on the street. One day he went to Film Industry in Bangladesh (FDC) to see the condition of the industry. There he saw many Famous stars and directors. Most importantly he wants to get a good job. But he has no Quality....
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KweZv fvjjv‡M ZvB †jwL Zv KweZv bv Mvb Rvwbbv G †jLv hw` Mí nq †Zv n‡e- wK n‡e Rvwbbv wK n‡”Q Rvwbbv Z‡e fvj jv‡M ZvB wjwL || G †jLv Kvi Rb¨ bq ïay Avgvi, Kvi gbićbi Rb¨ bq Ïay Avb›` †c‡Z †jwL ‡jLvi Rb¨ †jLv bq Kvi Rb¨ †jLv bq- Fvj jv‡M ZvB †jwL| GKwU mgq, GKwU þb, ïay Avgvi Aemi , fvebvq, Avi hv Lywk Kivi | bvMixK AwaKvi þzbœ K‡i bq hv febvq Av‡m wjwL hv fvj jv‡M ZvB wjwL| n‡e wKbv wKQy RvwbbvÑ KvD‡K eKv †`qvi c‡ii gyû‡Z©I g‡Zv Kv‡b ev‡R –Avi AbyZß| ‡eŠ‡qi gyL †Pv‡L fv‡m GKvwK Avwg wj‡L hvB GLb hv fvwe ZvB wjwL
Poems on Bangle language.
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‡Luvcv e¨¯—Zvq w`bAemvb msKxY© mg‡qi gyû‡©Zi e¨eavb; ‡g‡b †bq bv G bMix G N~b©q‡b mevB HK¨Zvb ‡eŠ‡qiI mgvb Q›`- ‡Mvmj ‡k‡l `ycy‡ii gaý †fv‡R; ZLbI ‡fRv MvgQv Rov‡bv †Luvcvq fv‡Zi †jvKgv gy‡L KZ †ivgvw›UK ev½vjx †eŠ Zzwg! ‰Uwe‡ji bv›`bxK †kvfv Zzwg wbie mßiv‡Mi euvkix Zzwg Avi Kwei a~mi RM‡Zi GKvKx mw½bx|| Kvgvi Fvjevmvi me dzj †Zvgvi Rb¨ me dzj me dzj †Zvgvi Rb¨|| K`g dzj, Nvm dzj Avi mvBdzj k~a~ †Zvgvi Rb¨| cwicvwU †cvlvK Avi my¯^c‡b Zzwg AvaybxKv| iƒcvwj bKkvi KviƒKvR ‡Zvgv‡KB gvbvq ag© ,Kg© Avi mßk©Ši Amgv‡bi wbieZv †Zvgvwi Rb¨| c„w_exi wbKUZg KvgviÑ ‡Zvgvi ¯§„Zxi fv¯§I nvRvi eQi Zzwg KweZvq A`¨c&ªv‡š— Ry‡o Av‡Qv nvRvi eO½vjxi my‡Li nvwm gwgi Kv‡jvq wg‡k Av‡Qv| G evsjv †Zvgvi Rb¨ beiƒcvi mvZis †Zvgvi Rb¨ `vwg Pà‡ji AwfRvZ¨ †Zvgvi Rb¨ wkíx m„wói embv wK wQj †KvbKv‡j? Avwg AvR `„wó bw›`Z Mwe©Z ev½jxi mcœ AvuwK ...
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NAHAR EDUCATION LINE 2011 SAIFUL’S GRAMMAR Facebok: Blog: Rain In autumn rain went to different place of the Dhaka city. His father is Farmer he could not afford Rain’s educational materials. ...
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J S C EXAMINATI O N It is a new system which gives a student a smooth way I fill that all types of teacher want to get student in private. For the reason they give those students so poor marks in text examination. For pass the class they depend on this teacher. They go to the teachers home all most say for forcefully. It is really sad news for all class people. The systems give us to free from the bonding systems. Now they complete JSC then they go to admitted class nine and ten after that they going to take SSC certificate examination. Here schoolteacher can not do any thing for there students. They can not do in human work such as fail, exam marks shortage, insult. They can move freely in the way of life. Now government can check in test examination. Which question made in their own responsibility Then students are totally free from the educational gaping systems. Then we hope that get a good nation in future. Yes government may be take a necessary stapes for the save TEST EXAMINAT...
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One night pass to see you I Open album of mind. One or two stands under the light post. Then you are thought to me- Open your book on the bed Woke up again to touch a nice dream. Now I alone move through the street Having some dogs fighting to take food Sleeping has gone fever to engaged dreams But I stay under the light post Want to find out the dream with sharing you These things are not my dream it real and forever beauty I love you in the same way that you like most. In the night is my pleasure to think you I realize you in the time you are my core of life Where I find out the real image of life Only your care I build my style more and more time. I bloom the flowers to nurched the plants. In the street is my home When you come silently beside me. This time for you Highly special you are in my way Alone I walk with nature and beauty To tough your hand spreading my dream Love is peeped behind the hill Very soft and smooth which play within th...
Children mind develop
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M USLIM LAW NEED AT FIRST TO DEVELOP CHILDREN M ANTLITY If want to gain in our Islamic thinks and pray in children Then at first need to give law of Islam We know that law can free to man from bondage Then he gets lot of time to think about any matter Such a like a child grow in the world in the same way It gats an environment form society in law full mentality it is most important of any child. This law may be in national law But Islamic law is most important for human life. For the reason I write on head line that “Muslim law need at first to develop children mentality.” I obey the all law which for human life. Personally I am respected all law of any nation. I know that development nation obey the most of laws. For the reason they are sufficient for the way of life. I hope that we are gained progress in life when we practice law in childhood only then we get better result. A child gets freedom, also get enough time then we give it prayer mentality, lesson for education,...
My teacher
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For teacher’s pages You should do about students English medium books solving systems all type of students Mainly you want to give them a better ways at first you should take some books from class one, two, three, four five, six, seven, eight, nine, O -level then you get a better way to learn them. And make paretic sheet from the books. The junior classes’ books give your students basic strong. You want to give them surely you can get to give them properly. My teacher you get some books written by oxford and another bright university of western country. Not at all, you should take exam for them. Such the ways you give a new field of the teaching fields. Day by day you get new field in teaching profession so this purpose you should read literature side of English. There have many writers in the fields of the literature in English you can read those. Then you can realize how to move English in his own ways. It is one kind of the sea of language we can get many things from the sea. Remem...
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D ICTIONARY 1999 OUR COUNTRY AT FIRST START COMMUNICATION SYSTEM . For the beginning the time, I was collecting about the language. To day I am related on the language. To day I am a learner. Now I am working in computer on English language may be English don’t know my works. After that I am doing works. In past I had no opportunity, now this time I get a lot. I fill this language give me lot for my hard work. However, I say something about dictionary; it is one kind of the better something which we get from dictionary. None can in prosperity on English without practicing dictionary. It is not easy to utilize English dictionary. How to make new words to add prefix and suffix? You should follow the meaning on your own language. Some dictionary gives direction about making sentences. Mainly I want to practice how to gain vocabulary from it.
My think
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Here you get Saiful’s grammar notes Saiful’s grammar books Saiful’s grammar writing khata dairy I give a most care to them which (offices) want to writer on write something in English, I give them a good service to writ their requirement. Especially master mind students can contract for composition writing. Bangle story and poem writing. Writing on English grammar. Find out those fields. IDB Bhavon Privet University Standard school (English medium) This field gives me much pleasure Yes it is really a great opportunity for my creating field particularly I want such a field for my aristocrat purpose. I fill the maximum business farm has not a good learned person for the done work on English. There I can do my work efficiently. It is one kind of information Yes I do not live this work in long time in the world. So I want to give some information to the next generation for their bright future. Then they have done their work properly. In the same...
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N ecessary of writing Why do you write? In past people do not write well and they don’t know how to write. Greek people and roman people at fast try to write although they write in indicating pictures. Egypt people write their hand writing in different way. However I say that your writing is most important thing for any civilization it is one kind of mirror of any nation really it is a progressive way to nation. We need increase facilities in language movement and need recharge center which make a nation properly. Language is most important thing in any nation. Here need educated people for fast growing. Now BNGLADESH offer package drama which is made culture for better way. Most of the actress are educated they do their work in mind. Such a way Bangladesh tries to best way to progress their nation in future they can improve. Language is one kind of sea which follow his won way, one can not stop in the way. The beauty- ness of language is great one. Writing made a civi...
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H o w to make your car ee r It is easy to development in life for doing hard work. We are depending on other field. It is a wrong way of our work place. About six years away I am depended on other pleases. When I find out myself I am potential man of my way of life, then I determent that I do not do any work of any person’s field. After that I try to do work hard in my way. Today I am a self sufficient man; I can do my work properly. And that is a quality work. Now I am fresh in mind. I get confidence in my life. That day I take determination in mind that I will be a BOSS teacher in my life. And I do not cruel work of any person. Now my listener listens in mind that you should to be a good teacher in your life. There is a peculiar place any one do not get to field to you.
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A USH D HANER G HARAN In child hood I fill something at my village life. In the time especially in rainy season is the cutting time the paddy of Aush so much rain fall. There have many problems of dry materials; we do not get enough dry things. Some times wait material because of mini size of rain in to the room from window or different please. Then Porobashi come to our house and prepared the paddy from the Nara . Then they sing different types of songs at local areas of Bangladesh .
The Moon
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Gave me much pleasure that night. When you were seating beside me. Oh! it's nice filling - Again want to get its touch; Hilly side you different now in riverside. you are a fact of little children and a new couple. With the cloud, you are very nice. But that night was very simple for me. Oh! moon give me touch of softness- Now I am waiting for you. Today you peeps that corner- Like that day. My softness with us but angry you? Freshwater follows the side The unknown flower gives a shadow of mind- In the same way, blow the air dentally. My flower today within me; you are the same. My brighter touches me beside my side. Saiful Islam....... We know different types of stories on the moon. It is an astronomical body nearest us. it is orbiting Earth and is the planet’s only natural satellite. We shall many things abo...
Students Life
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Should be polite to the way of life. They are a pen picture of society. They have three duty such as duty to mankind's duty to Allah's duty to Parents. They should join social activities. Such as Bangladesh is a tropical country almost every year flood-hit in this country. So students should join the suffering people. Besides this, after all our country is a poor country where people can not read and write, also they don't know about health and sanitation. They can not afford their children to school. All types of students can go to their village in summer or autumn vacation to teach those people. Also, they should think about population, pollution, tree plantation. The three types of things are related to our environment. Population growth fasts because of a lack of knowledge of the countries illiteracy. For this reason, they can not take the proper decision in their life. Here we feel some problems there are natural environm...
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Should be polite of the way of life. They are pen picture of society. They have three duty such as duty to mankind duty to Allah duty to Parents.They should join to social activities.Such as Bangladesh is a tropical country almost every year flood hit in this country.So student should join the suffering people. Beside this after all our country is a poor country here people can not read and write,also they don't know about health and sanitation.They can not afford their children to school.All types of students can go to their village in summer or utumn vacation to teach those people.Also they should think about population, pollution, tree plantation.
Dream night
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Walk on the street Under a sodium light. Give you a think to follow tilling light. The open shop serves tea To your increasing creates think. Such the way you get more filling to drink tea. Writing valuable things. Under the light post. More time pass Such the way you pass your way. They remain to serve tea an autumn night. When you want to need a cup. Again be moved of real life. No one walk to the way, make it again Under the Bakul Tala. Art and culture lay on permisses. When you walk on the muddy road- There is no way to walk How to pass your life. Come again to walk in mid-light on the street. Dream and pail rose gloomy hand. Without Bangle. Yet come; To touch dream in the night.
NAHAR: I am a new in the field of written, now I want to ...
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NAHAR : I am a new in the field of written, now I want to ... : I am a new in the field of written, now I want to sent some poems to your news paper how to send it to you. now I am really deep think about... This nature And life boat make me broad Come here and make yourself Under the Dark park. Mix with me and create in nature. It's better for life and stand on sea shore That not a last follow an awl eyes. Only study sign stay here Again want to you for my way of life.