How to Make an Online Coaching in Different places in the World


There is a great matte that some of the unemployed educated people can make online coaching in any place. 

The people of the educated suppose to live in a village, there has no good accommodation and systems. for the reason where any place lack of teachers to know those place and recover by the system. For the reason there you have need some instrument. 

Here you get some instructions about it and I hope you can make a nice online education center in your area. By the way, you can make awareness to the people on how to make a good online education platform. 

Coaching making system:

Coaching making systems are the same in different places. I say the four places mainly discussing such as a village, abroad, city and town. each place needs some devices like a smartphone, laptop, projector. only smart prone can be covered the students for a few students. 

Smartphone: it gives a lot of opportunities to the students. Most of the students in different places stay and they can make a coaching platform with teachers or they can join the owners of the coaching where they can get the professional teaches and systems by the way the students can get the good systems from there.  

Laptop: If the students are increasing then need a laptop. If a laptop has a connected microphone, the students all speech the teacher. 

Projector: The projector is arranged because there are more students to show them the need projector and curtain to cover the students. 

Owner of the Coaching: The owner of the coaching starts at a fixed time and then the teacher starts a live class in a different part of the world. As like face to face coaching system feel the students on the set. They can start question-answer systems in the way.  At the end of the class, all keep attention in the class. 





Your platform:

Your place: One of the girls said that she lives in a remote area of south Asia country, how does she get the benefit from us? one of the teachers said about the platform also he wants to know about the coaching and the systems. Their equation makes us very astonishing because they knocked us a very farthest corner in their country. 

The girl's name is Yesmin she said that their communication with the school is very bad. For this reason, she could not go to school daily. And the social condition is not good. Also, their family condition is not suitable for survival. By the way, she wants to get help from the online platform. Also, she wanted to know how is her idea? Is it possible? 

We talked with her and said that it is so much easy process. You can get more and more learn from the online platform. We will be helped you in any matter. Also, we said that she need only a smartphone with an internet connection. She replied with affirmative that she can maintain it. 

One day she said to us a story that she works in the field and makes dry fish with her parents. Most of the time she goes to the town to sell the fish and buy their necessary things for their family. She told us the story of collecting smartphone, using the system, browsing, etc. We give her support and now she can learn online learning. Also, she takes a teacher online she gets class from the ZOOM platform also she gives the tuition fee to the teacher online payment. 




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