15. Narration
He said “I can chop some wood today.” I said, “But I have a boy coming form the orphanage.” “I am the boy.” “You? Bu you are small.” “Size don’t matter chopping wood,” he said. “Some of the big boys do not chop wood. I’ve been chopping wood t the orphanage a long.” 
29. Narration
“My dear friend”, said the stranger. “I have come here because I have a message to give you. Lend me your ears please.” “Let him say whatever he likes”, said the old man. “Oh! What a joy the massage has brought for us.”
38. Narration
         My father said, “You had better take an umbrella because I think it may rain and you have a cold. But don’t live it in a bus as    you did with mine, when I lent it to last week.”
23. Narration
“Have you read the book? Where did you go yesterday?” Asked  Rain. “I have lost the book which you give me. I went to Bazer to buy the book but I did not find it,” said Karin.  “Don’t worry” said Rain, “its nothing.” “Thank you my friend,” said Karin.
3. Narration
Rome, did you meet your friend who came here yesterday?” Rome’s father asked, “Oh no father. I did not have enough time. But tomorrow I meet him at his residence,” replied Rome, “that‘s good. Don’t forget to meet him. So far as I know, he is in some troubles.”  Rome’s father said.
May Day.

May Day is international workers day. That day some workers struggled for the eight hours work in a day. Beginning the industrial time the workers did their work fourteen or even more hours. It is really so difficult for man. So they wanted to get eight hours a day. At the beginning the authority did not give them their demand. On May 3, 1886 police fired to the people who stopped the work. That time one sticker was killed and wounded more stickers. In the 1880s a new movement calling for eight hours a day, that time many organizations are added the stick. Today the people of the world get good opportunities from their work place. Now the workers do not work in the field of earning. Long time duty was so inhuman work for the world people life.  Today this day is recognized most of the countries people. Originally the day is for the poor classes’ people. Also we should respect to their activities. It is public holy day. If any worker does work extension time a day, He / she will get extra money for the work. The workers get opportunities of holly time, safety laws, and security of life. These activities are most important for the workers. One day they do not get these opportunities. Their life lead was below the poverty line. Today their gaining opportunities are most important of their life. Every year they observe May Day deeply because. The historical May Day is really a golden of the workers. Most of the countries workers held different programmes no the day. They do that for awarding to the young workers. They think that all young people should know about the matter. Different organizations give speech on May Day. All workers want to know to the general people that the darkness day doesn’t come again in the society. We should join to the people helping for their bright future. If we do that works properly, we shall get good environment in the field of work place.

What you intend to do after the SSC examination?
How are you now? Your letter gives me more pleasure. You can write well. It is one kind of culture which is made me more pleasure. However, you want to know that my intending after SSC examination. You now that very well that I want to good command in English. For the reason I want to learn more English after SSC examination. There has a good literature and language learning center. I shall join there. I want to learn Basic English for higher education. You know that higher education gain impossible without learning English. Also I want to know you that you will join the course after SSC examination. If I can learn English very well after HSC examination when I shall go to steady in honors that time I get easily my study. I think this international language will be good work in the way of life. I discuss with my parents about the matter. They want that I do it properly. My elder brother said that it is most important for the students in admission in higher educational institute. All types of institute want to good marks in English subject. Smoothly build my good career I shall learn good English; I imagine that in my think.
No more today, give my Salam to your parents. My best love to your younger sister Tully.
your ever.
Rajia Shultana
A winter morning is really enjoyable. Our country people live in traditional culture. Maximum cultural programme are hold in the village in to the winter season. Specially, the beginning time of those cultural programmes held in the morning. Mainly it is fogy environment. The misty is fallen all over the place of the country. The temperature of the environment is different. A winter morning may be late running. For cooling air people do not get up early in the morning. The most of the village people arrange cakes for breakfast. Also relative are attended in to their house. This time there has rainless. For the reason, most of the relative come to visit to the relative house. This morning we do not see so far for fogy environment. We get sweetly date juice. Different food items are made by it. A winter morning is so pathetic for poor life. They do not get proper food and cloth and shelter. Their miserable life is so painful in all classes’ people. Even the poor labours do not get work for their lively hood. Their life is so difficult in some winter season. The first sun is peeping beside the fogy environment. Some of the leaves are hold small part of water on it. It is really thrilling of us. All seasons give us more natural beauty. Specially the winter morning come us a different way, it brings us good foods. These food items are made pleasure programme in the city life. Different guests’ birds come to our country for breading and food. All over the arrangement follow up with winter morning.
a rainy day
Rainy day is a common day in the rainy seasons. It is more familiar fetcher of our country people. Bangladesh is a tropical country for the reason rainy season is long lasting. Generally the day is cloudy in sky and all time fall rain on the earth. Most of the time cats and dog rain are creating more difficulty in the way of simple life of the village. Especially the rainy day fell in the village life. There have no well construct road. most of the village people went to different place by boat such they go to village market, neighbor house, relative house, village game center, tea stall etc. their life style are different there. The nature turns to fresh to get rain water. Most of the village children do not go to educational institute causing of rain. All day they remain ideally in the house. The day labour works are stopped. They do not get job more time. For the reason they remain starving in rainy day. Life leading is more difficult for poor people. Most of the time breaks some social assets of the country. It is a loss event for the government and country’s people. More rain create flood in the locality. In the rainy day more family arrange good food items Khichuri is one of them. There more families are feeling good idea at the day; we observe their good ties there. More time they feel a deep Mindy behave into them. Other way the city people are felt the same way. They face various problems in the day. The more rain washes the garbage from the city life. Different diseases are washed for the place. The rain water brings silt which is most important for the farm lands. It gives fertile and makes more croups in to the farm lands. Rainy day is more receivable day of the people. A rainy day has some good or bad side after that the day is more pleasure for most of the people of the country.

The 21st February/ international mother language day
21st February is the international mother language day. Today this day is reorganization by UNSCO. At first this country was a big India sub-continent. We are freed from English. There had a big country East Pakistan, West Pakistan, India and more countries. After that we are separated from India. Our country’s name was Pakistan. Most of the time west Pakistan people dominated us in many ways. They did not give us the same opportunities in the state maintain. Mainly the problems are divided us. At first in 1952 the Pakistani authority decided to deprive us from our mother language. They declared that Urdu is the only language for the Pakistan. That time our country’s love and our young people protested the declaration. Police fired the protested and many people lost their life Rafiq, Shopiq, Salam Borkat and more people. Today this language day is the international mother language day. Many people sacrificed blood for the language. We are proud to them and their human work. Today we get most opportunity form their hard work and sacrificed their life. We give them most respect to their immortal life. 21st February we go to the shahid minar. And give flowers to their respect. Also we sing a great song “Amer Viaer Rokte Rangano Ekushe Febury …Ami ki Vulite pari.” now we are proud our language and language marters. Again we are alert to save this language form enemies. 

a)        Recent floods in Bangladesh
Bangladesh is a low land country. Here people below the poverty line. They do not no how to make their life properly. Beside the natural climate give us different problems. We are not enough strong to save us from natural detesters. Our country people do not know how to improve life in economically. Also we need more social asset to solve the flood problems. Recently Bangladesh takes necessary stapes about the matter. The flood gives us lot of harmful things in our every day life. Some time long time stay water in many places for the reasons the people of those area face different diseases in the way of life. Those areas need medicine, food, pure water, and daily life leading things.
Floods are one kind of natural climate. It occurs destroy in the large area even sometimes its bad effect spreads all over the country. The flood of 2007 is really bad effect in our country. The all part of the country is affected by the floods. We were horror by the flood. There lot of people died by the flood. Maximum people of the country had no living place. The cattle were no place to living. Also there All types of living being lived together in a place where no water. The painful flood gave us many problems. Maximum school collage high way train station and roofs of the big building are filled up the food affected people. Although the flood creates much harm, it gives us many good things. Such as the flood carries lot o f silt which is fertile of our land. After flood year we get lot of crops from the farm lands. It is an opportunities for us. The farmers of our country loss their crops and again they hop to get those. This flood occurred many problems in all classes’ people. Their normal life was destroyed totally. About 12 days the water stagnated in different places. Country people were helpless. Different socio organizations came to help the flood affected people. After that the life of people are miserable condition. About one third people of the area are turned to ill health. Maximum domestics animal are died by the lack of food. People do not know anything about their future. All sides are full of water which very for those people. We should do some works to protect the flood water. Also we should make dams, stitch gate, bridge and cyclone center etc. in different parts of our country. We need some groups of workers who work during flood occurring time. also they arrange food, shelter, cloths, medicine and pure water. those are necessary for the people who affected in the flood area.   

a)        Your aim in life.
25 August 2012
Dear Arena
My best love to you, your letter gives me more pleasure. Really you write very well. I am happy to get you letter. Here Most of the time I am alone that time I feel you writing and you sending pictures on my computer. However, you want to my aim that is different from other. I want to be a good guide for tourists. I think that Bangladesh is a potential country. Here have many world Heritage sides and tourists spots. Here need more experts’ guide who led the tourist in different place of our country. And they give much information to media fields. After that more tourists interested to visit our country. By the way we gain more foreign currency. After HSC I shall be admitted higher education in tourists. Also I shall completed hons and masters. After that I shall do my work on tourists. I want to be a good guide and a good writer on tourists, guide, culture and nature etc. write me of your aim which you feel in you way of life.
No more today give my Salam to your parents.
Your ever


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