অপ্সরা Love Made Greatness in Hurt

সাইফুল ইসলাম---
আমি দেখেছি আপ্সরা কাথা বলে নিরজনে
একান্ত ভালবাসায় আবেগ মাখা অবয়াবে।
রাতে গুরেবেড়ায়; যেখানে অনেক অতিথি পাখি কথা বলে একসাথে।
তুমি সরল তোমাতে কারুকাজ শৈল্পীক
তুমি এখন ভাবুকের নৈস্যে।
‘মাধুরিতে তুমি মহারানী।
আমি পরিচয় করিয়েদিব এই শতকোটি মানুষকে।
তুমিই অপ্সরা’ আমার বাংলার।
তুমি কাদাজলে হাটতে পার, চুল বাঁধতে পার-
আমার দুঃখে কাঁদত পার,
আবার আকাসপানে চেয়ে চেয়ে হাসতে পার,
নানা ছলে আমাকে ভুলাতেও পার-
চারদিকে অন্ধকারে তুমি আলো,
আমি সবেইকে বলব তুমি আমার অপ্সরা
আমার বাংলার অপ্সরা।
হাজার বছর ধরে যারা তোমাদের দেখেনি।
তোমাকে দেখে চিনে নিবে আমার বংলাকে’
খুজে বেড়াবে তোমাকে-আর আমাকে,
অথিতিতে ভরে যাবে দেশ,
শুরু হবে বংলার মেলা-
অপ্সরা! দেখবেনা! আমার নতুন বাংলাকে।
কত অথিতি এসেছে!
কতোমানুষের পথচলা এখানে,
চল, দেখবে- না হয়, আমার মন খারাব হবে—
তুমি আসবে বলে আমার এ আয়োজন
তারে তারে খবর পৌছে দিয়েছি,
কতো গান আর কবিতায় তোমায় লিখেছি-
দেখ আমার সব পথকঘাট আথিতিতে  ভরা।
দেখ ! দেখছে তোমাকে,
স্রদ্দাভরা চাহুনিতে ‘আমার বাংলাকে’ দেখছে;
আজ তুমি আর আমি একান্ত আপন-
দেখ বাংলাকে।।

Q: Who doesn't understand the meaning of love?
A: One does not know the meaning of sacrifice. 

Q: What is the meaning of life?
A: The meaning of life is to establish love. 

Q: Why do you want to know about the man?
A: Curiosity is to drive to know man. 

Q: Why do people like to know about other cultures?
A: To respect other cultures to know them. 

Q: Why do people think about themselves?
A: Think to do the duty to know themselves. 

Q: How do we make our life beautiful?
A: To make a smile on other faces we can make our life beautiful. 

Q: Why people don't progress in life?
A: Selfishness is an obstacle to progress in life. 

Q: Who has no patience for doing a good job?
A: Restless one has no patience for doing a good job. 

Q: How people can get easily work?
A: Each people has lovely work to do that. 

Q: What is sin?
A: Any work which is against religion is sin. 

Q: What is life?
A: Life is a pleasureful idea generator and solves center. 

Q: What is love?
A: Love is a great thing without it we can no life at all. 

Q: Who is the great man?
A: One sacrifice for love is a great person. 

Q: How to help people?
A: To know the problem of the people and help them. 

Who is educated?
What is the meaning of education?
Which thing education like?
Who gets the touch of education?
Where live education?

When love play with you in the romantic moment-
In dark come to silently
Hang light with her 
Fir is flown here and there 
But don't care--
Beside you stand with sweat on the forehead.

Only say love for you--
Try to come back
But catch in my hand. 
Try to the best 
This is the first looked at me
Tell me 'I come to you forever'

Thousand of the night passed 
I don't find you 
Today I am tired much tired 
I relax tonight 
This hand-on your hand 
Not the end forever
Said to me and again sleep

You are fully entered into my hart
The greenwood make me more friendly 
The silent area is not closed anymore
You and me the pair forever in the forest
Please the light of resort again to inform us to stay
We come back again and again in the deep dark.

Here love plays with the mind. The world sees the hit of physically not mind. A lover to make love with his lover in a long time one a point he break up with the girl in a single matter. the girl's life is very dangerous at the moment. Do the world care about the situation of the girl? Where is the court to solve the problem? Where is the justice to move the case?

If anyone can show the hit of physical then the court has taken the case and do something like action. It is a speech to the lover your pain is mainly so you should try to solve it. Here justice, police, and victim, and crime are two-person pairs of lovers. So, what you are doing to think and think. Your decision and work are great or bad something in your life. 


Once upon a time, a great cyclone hit the sea cost area the people of the area do not prepper about the matter. For this reason, there has a lot of pathetic incidents in the area. the thousand of people die by the cyclone. At night they could not communicate with each other and most of the people have died under the trees and house. 

After the next day some of who are alive move the locality and see the sad incident in their area. There are some problems who are alive in the area, they face different types of every day necessary things. With the lack of fundamental needs, they face different types of diseases. Some of the people are already dying from diseases. There needs human help to save the local people. 

There is no complaint about the cyclone because the incident occurs such a type of pain. The pathetic incident comes from nature. It is one kind of disaster we can not protect it. How do we safe from them? What is the duty of us? Why the natural disaster hit the people in the area?  

Conclusion: Love is one kind of natural matter, we can not avoid it in the way of our life. it is the best companion of our life. If there has anything good that is our good work. if we get the pain that is or hand income. So, we should maintain a good relationship with love, otherwise, it destroys like natural disasters. We have not spaced to complain. 


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