HSC-1st year ; Unit-13 Lesson-1(2)
Fill in the blanks:
Phones have been seen the (a)____ of the 1800s in different place, but the (b)___ phones get their structure only in the 1990s. Recently the cell (c)____ are used in Bangladesh about 100 (d)_____ then million and wildly user 4.6 billion people. We know the using (e)_____ are spread so (f)_____ which are the best inventions as regarded. About before two (g)_____ the phones are got so (h)_____ let alone cell phones. In present time the cell phones are used (i)_____ from the big business man in (j)____ his luxurious car and villagers to town (k)______ in a word all types of people (l)____ these phones very much.
Bangladesh in 2015s the month of May (a) ____ the south Asia other (b)_____ India (862 million) Pakistan (122 million) with them 100 million (c)_____ than user who carry the (d)____ phones to add with them. The fetcher another (e) ____ China (one billion user) Russia, USA, (f)_____, Japan German, Philippine and Nigeria. today we are (g)_____ take which we have a(h)_____, we can use internet , word processing , (i) _____ using, watching TV, playing game and getting more (j)_____ from it. But personal computer is (k)______ to user in 1974. Actually all are (l)_____ when the Microsoft invented windows in 1985 and it is good that(m) _______using personal (n)_____ the internet cannot create influence now it (o)_____ the best.
Make a flew chart about relating event on cell phones and computer.
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Question answer:
a. Why the cell phone does is the greatest invention in the world?
b. What types of opportunities give the computer?
c. Why all are changed to come the Microsoft windows?
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